Sunday, 30 January 2011

THIS is FILM - Frozen, Broken, Exciting Berlin

Favorite shots of Berlin - my first dance trip of 2011

Here the shots -  full story at mindthepieces.

Snow revealing

Dog at drivers seat

Sunday, 23 January 2011

THIS is MOVEMENT - form on self practice stills - RED CHAIR (impro)

 Form on self practice stills -  RED CHAIR (impro)

Stills on form and gesture I found interesting from this solo exercise.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

THIS is MOVEMENT - form on self practice stills

I decided to make a collection of stills from my self practice videos. I like the possibility of returning to movement and reflecting on its final impression - form -  in the capture of a still moment -  realistically - such forms of movement gestures and form are not possible in a present tense -  it is only trough photography -  we cant take movement work further and potentially create new pieces, new relations, new shapes - possible only in a kinda of digital dancer world ( a concept I became very interested lately ) -  so the movement, by being recorded via video -  is after open to be re-done, recreated, re-invented -  a true digital way of making movement ( the piece ) into something else.

Some of the stills - I found the form and gesture interesting

Table Talk