Posing for sculpture - back wax medium.
Some of my favorite pieces - some photos below
while alone with the statues, observing my movement, the gesture of my body and also very intriguing to be able in each statue to trace back the artist finger builds up movements - the movement choices of the artist - the finger pressing, allocating another piece of wax shaving - creating, adding, sculpting the pose, the movement, the gesture.
So incredible, one can see two very distinct forms of movement in the final pieces : the model;s and the artists different movement, fused in one final piece - so in a way, it could be seen as a collaboration - pas vrai (?)
( full story @Mindthepieces )
My pose on Alines statue - my favorite piece
A interesting view - looking at the relationship
the neck, head and arms formed with this pose
the same pose - the same body - interpreted differently by 3 artist - different positioning
Found interesting the choreographic potential of combining them together
extremely poetic view
shot taken from the upper cupboard
the exposed wired from the unfinished arms
add a lot of poetic suggestion to the shot
really good view expressing the beauty of the relantionship
created in the pose between the neck - shoulder and arms
a unknown self view