Movement sketch are a series of self recorded extracts of improvisations where the goal is to create, record, identify, analyze and develop self natural movement.
Core question of this project are:
what kind of natural movement does my body produces ?
what are the improvisational movement choices made by my body ?
what qualities does it express ?
PERSONAL NOTE: Butoh or collapsed pirouette - combining two very personal my own experiences - ballet ( past) + injury = seeing the new = translating to butoh collapsing references = creates a new movement. I like the result of the movement visually but also conceptually, associating a collapsing end to a classic figure like pirouette - also I think is very relevant these days to dance - were exciting - all tabus are being broken - and so the fall ( which in the past and especially in classic ballet is not acceptable in the performance ) is now the key point to add freshness to a old movement figure- the pirouette.
MOVEMENT SKETCH - 2 - Soft and furious
PERSONAL NOTE: the feeling here was on the focus of the sensation of my body and the movement
it naturally wants to generate: soft - in slow or faster speed, gentle or aggressive movement - there seems to be a constant quality strongly felt in the body - the body is soft, my body is soft.
Slowly, expressing softness and chaos ( disorientation, unbalance, collapsing and especially trying to explore and prolong the physical time before collapsing - feels exciting this little new time to explore - and I find later interesting movement here ) - in some moments appears a quality of elasticity in the body - a soft but chaotic elasticity - especially as momentum build up for pre- collapse movement.
Chaotic, elastic softness builded up naturally in this improvisation - to a peak moment of furious repetitive collapsing/standing movement figure - I liked it visually and as a closing moment of finding a relevant end to this little movement search / journey.
MOVEMENT SKETCH - 4 - Whispering movement ( Whisper 3 )
The body whispers movement - whispering movement, telling secrets.