Oh well, cannot shot film all the time, its so expensive. Anyway, this all story started with my habit of walking feet on ground, but eyes everywhere, especially up, I like to look up a lot while I am walking, instead of looking down - it give me a adventurous, freedom, expansive feeling, and it makes regular, ordinary walking by a bit more of a inquiring experience.
I remember this day, walking towards ST. Martins for a life modeling working class, it was really hot, not to say abnormally HOT for London - it was just TOO HOT that day. The kind of sun who hurts, that makes you want only find shade and look for cover.
There are two things combined who make me feel really unsettled: burning sun ( this TOO HOT feeling I am speaking about) and metal. Yes METAL.
When these two get together, I tend to feel slightly panicky, vulnerable and in need of shelter. Again I found myself wondering why - what is it about METAL in a HOT burning sunny day that makes me feel so exposed, so unsettled to the death quality of organic body. HEAT is powerful and decomposes the body, it kills life in favor of creating new life ( bacteria, microbes).
HEAT give birth to a sort of a fatal invading life form whos job is to KILL another life, another body, another organism - it has a fatal domineering, invasive, expansive quality to it.
METAL has naturally a predatory quality relationship to the organic body (weapons and injury are closely related to metal and the human body), and this predatory, inflicting quality is only even more ENCHANCED by HEAT.
HEAT makes METAL even more predatory, merciless, painful, treathfull ( a injured body laying powerless over the burning hot metal) to the vulnerable, extremely fragile balance of the organic body.
And then of course one has to arrive to DEATH- the somehow meaningless involved in the death of a body, and the silence, the oblivion and most extraordinarily the eternal last change from the ORGANIC LIVING BODY organic ( the being) to the ORGANIC DEAD BODY (the place, the house, the bread of the bacteria).
This is what I have saw when my eye spotted the dead pigeon dead body laying between a ceiling wire grade.
One could see, still feel, still recall the last moment story of this being - the memory of the organic body: the sense of weight, the head heavy tombing down, holding the weight, nodding to gravity - in the previous living organic body ( heavy, full). And now, only a memory, a shell, a empty space, a drawing line of the weight of the body and ultimately of the moment of death.
I guess what I want to remember is tat I do not wish to dye on a summer, burning hot day over metal.