is a very personal project that is born from my personal belief ( or obsession ) that everywhere there is a story waiting to be told. And that story is most likely to be about you and more importantly aboutpersonal psychological/ emotional themes that are locked at the unconscious level and need expression/ resolution at the conscious level.
This transforms everyday situations, objects into potential means of personal expression and performance. In the process is crucial to be aware that the stories choose you and not the other way around, being you a participant or a observer the validity of these experiences is to allow your own personal stories (participants) and interpretations (observers) to unfold and travel from your unconsciousness to your conscious level of apprehension.
In this crucial sense, DAYS of MADNESS is intended to be not a performance but a personal practice that allows subcounscious to conscious communication in the individual, and that is its main goal.
Finally, apart from its creative potential, its main goal is to auxiliate and promote psychological/emotional healing therapy, creating a bridge trough the individuals own unconscious and conscious states it allows the conscious surfacing of wounded psychological and emotional themes that need to be acknowledge and dealt with.
DAYS of MADNESS | DIAS de LOUCURA | In dissociation | Try out
This is a White canvas,
we made it ours by finding in it
our own personal stories,
a print of our own subconscious landscapes
This is your white canvas too
we invite you to find your own story,
your own projected unconscious landscapes
in these images
DAYS of MADNESS | DIAS de LOUCURA | Rendez - vous
This is a White canvas,
we made it ours by finding in it
our own personal stories,
a print of our own subconscious landscapes
This is your white canvas too
we invite you to find your own story,
your own projected unconscious landscapes
in these images
we made it ours by finding in it
our own personal stories,
a print of our own subconscious landscapes
This is your white canvas too
we invite you to find your own story,
your own projected unconscious landscapes
in these images