Saturday, 13 February 2010

AT THE PHOTOGRAPHERS FLAT - Paris shoot (September 2009)

Photography: Hiro Soda. (Paris)
        Styling: me
        Hair: Beatrice
        Model: ( FORD Paris)
And this was the shoot we ended up rescheduling and doing after I recovered from my FLU.
Slightly different from the work earlier planned, but thats the point, and what is exciting for me personally is that i have always no idea of what I will be wanting to do the next day -  one just has to do stuff everyday to find out ... find mind choices fascinating, and why do we chose something at a particular time!

First time working with Hiro, normally, there were little clashes, my vision and his, but we got to some good images, which are probably a blend of the two above -  all what collaboration is all about, so from that point of view I found the new experience rewarding...

We shoot at his flat / studio (?) ... man, speaking of small space leaving, it was basically a very charming room, with a toillet attached in the COUER of Bastille. 

Being is Paris is always a pleasure, so between shot, I managed to do some of my fav.: browsing Collete music, buying some decent bras ( thank God for Chantal Thomass), peeping at the Tokyo Palais,  and last but not least Tango :)

Everyone adressed me in French, to which I had to sad reply: je suis desolee, je ne parle pas Francais ;)

You can not LOVE Paris, juts not possible, including its pretentious ...