Some of the pieces I was feeling and made for the shoot.
1) 90s cut out shirt
2) Liberty shredded table shoulder T
The many, many, many, may ... hand cut shreds of the Liberty print shredded T...
Deeply therapeutical ...

These were all made for a shoot I had scheduled in Paris with a new photographer I was collaborating at the time. Luck or not, I managed to stay a week recluse at home, because I came down with the flue ast the time as the UK SWINE FLU hysteria ( I was banned from work and from my local NHS center too, predictably if your are really sick, the last place you probably want to go is to a NHS health center).
The BIG plus of all this, was that I got to take 2 weeks out of work ( a miracle! at the time, because my concerned boss, feared sincerly by his and his beloved children life on my presence ) and got plenty of ME time :) to play around with these.
There were altough unexpected events two days before I travel to Paris to shoot these: I got dead worst, from my cold and not wanting to risk being busted in Paris in quarentine, to our great despair we had to cancel this shoot and to resechedule.
It was a pity I didn't get to shoot these ,photographer was not a happy bunny too, but well thats life!
And Swine flue or not I lived to tell the story ...